Clinton making death threats to household items: 'Go to hell, freezer' Headlines for August 1, 2007:
Rumsfeld to testify he "freaked out" in gang rape of pets
Hey you with the gang rape . . . keep it down!
Rumsfeld: delicious corpses "unethical"
Cheney backs Gonzalez: "He break a you face"
Rupert Murdoch usually gets his way in polygamous gang rape
Obama going undercover to pick up pregnant teens
Obama lost in delicious childhood thriller "Mystery of the Abandoned Roller-coaster Ride"
Guiliani would sell missiles to hundreds of inmates in institutions
Guiliani pinned Obama for 3 hours, says "hey you with the face . . . you is delicious!"
Obama challenges Rocky "Hit me you horrible freaked out socialist from hell. Hit me!"
Rude teen kills 20 in gas attack
More losers in hell than acknowledged
Church surveillance reveals no ATM in hell