Friday, August 3, 2007

Polar bear survives 2nd brush with Pope Headlines for August 3, 2007:

9-year old under stress from saving planet: "I can't help, civilians"

Rove has gas, sparks fire

Pope judges botched car repairs in tirade: "I can't believe I reported the crash to my expensive Christian insurance plan. Death to humans!"

Stevie Wonder making first tour in 12 years, millions flee planet

Senate reviews 2nd season of 'Lonelygirl15: "Worst in living memory"

Pope expands mission to killing humans

Polar bear survives 2nd brush with Pope

Babbling, Jabbering Anne Hathaway capsizes car, millions killed

Anderson Cooper expands to death

Anger at humans rises as dogs put on diet

Senate votes to keep hottest women in expensive skirts

Paralyzed man worst athlete ever

Can copter crash live up to the hype?

Christian man: Muslim bakery ruins Baghdad

Bush gets creepy: “I prefer Obama in t-shirts”

Obama put on diet to squeeze in to skirts

Nicole Richie: I squeeze dogs between meals

Bush: I know I'm not a good Muslim