Friday, July 20, 2007

McCain clarifies: 'I ain't no Vinny Gorgeous. Vinny Gorgeous ain't rich and famous. Vinny Gorgeous ain't tough. McCain plays with sex appeal.' Headlines for July 19, 2007

Taliban stops space vacations

Teen drug problem entertains U.S. troops

White House: 'Tony Snow must quit barbaric bad boy ways'

Newborn rescued from trash bin: 'I ain't no baby'

Cheney to Iraq: 'King me!"

White House accused of betting on checkers

Cheny to blow Tony Snow on YouTube

Idyllic teen-sex lies beneath Iraq insurgency

Study: Dinosaurs overuse their hairspray

Pentagon scolds newborn: 'Quit plan to become president'

McCain clarifies: 'I ain't no Vinny Gorgeous. Vinny Gorgeous ain't rich and famous. Vinny Gorgeous ain't tough. McCain plays with sex appeal.'