Monday, July 23, 2007

McCain trying to get buzz on Headlines for January 23, 2007

Will it be animal lovers against spacewalkers in daily White House Barry Bonds debate?

Michael Vick, Barry Bonds protest Taliban lovers

5-lb bag of chips cost hip-hop stars millions

Doctors fear Bush's addiction to hot teen sex

Taliban takes blame for lightning

Animal lovers target cancer with car bombs

Bush steals bag of chips from police

Top fear worrying Democratic voters: Dinosaurs

Doctors find 'glaciers of trash' in Bush's colon

McCain releases 400 falcons in to Georgia's top court

Thieving seagull dies trying to stop Iraq war

McCain trying to get buzz on

How to stop worrying about religious husband killing for money

Animal lovers kill 35 falcons in protest of Michael Vick mess

Romney dies trying to take on 5-lb Chihuahua (Martians mourn for beloved leader)

Doctors stop worrying about fitting probe in to Bush's colon

Romney forces Michael Vick to kill girlfriend's baby after toddler steals chips

Osama to show true colors in peace protest

How to stop worrying about magic falcons